Coach in Sandnes Tennisklubb

Coach in Bryne Tennisklubb

Coach in Randaberg Tennisklubb

Coach in Stavanger Tennisklubb

Playing career

Player in Sandnes Tennisklubb (still is)

Started to play tennis in 1983/84

GPTCA C-Level International Coach
Tennis Integrity Protection Programme (TIPP) by TIU

Toni Nadal World Mastery, Level 1 and 2 

Tennis coach certificatione, Norges Tennisforbund

PTR member and courses

ITF member and courses

Member in many misc courses and sites all over the world

World tennis Conference member

Attended in many online conferences in Norges Tennisforbund

Children, youth and adult tennis certifications

Competitive players certification

Played football for many years 

Football coach and manager in various clubs

Played all kind of sports ice skating, cross country, alpine skiing 

Played in music bands

Courses in mental health psychology

Kjartan Stokka
